Vital Signs Spring 2021 Showcase

In an effort to support student voice and action related to the Black Lives Matter movement, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, the UMD Office of Diversity and Inclusion and UMD Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy in partnership with Black Terps Matter announced Vital Signs: Creative Arts for Black Lives Mini-Grants. During the 20-21 academic year, grants have been awarded to artists in the UMD community who are creating projects that affirm Black life and vitality and interrogate white supremacy and anti-Blackness.

Sensory Friendly Event: Parker Quartet

The Parker Quartet has emerged as a premier vehicle for imaginative interpretation. With their rich tonal palette and lyrical control, Parker Quartet has offered stunning takes on Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Bartók, revealing new layers of emotional nuance. In this sensory-friendly performance, the Parker Quartet will create a welcoming and comfortable arts experience for patrons with autism and other disabilities.

Modifications include:

National Orchestral Institute + Festival: Brass Quintet Recital

This 30-minute recital presented by the National Orchestral Institute + Festival features NOI+F and School of Music alumni and faculty in music by George Walker, Barbara Strozzi and Joan Tower. The recital will be followed by a conversation featuring School of Music Director and horn player Gregory Miller (Empire Brass & NOI+F Faculty) and Distinguished Professor of Trumpet Chris Gekker (American Brass Quintet & NOI+F Faculty) moderated by NOI+F Artist Services Coordinator and horn player Austin Sposato.


MICA & NextNOW Fest Present: Multiracial Heritage Month Keynote Speaker - Eva Woolridge

New York-based renowned photographer and community leader, Eva Woolridge, speaks on self-acceptance as a queer biracial Black and Chinese American woman, and leads an interactive workshop on learning to "color outside of the lines" to find your true path.

This keynote artist talk and workshop is presented by the UMD Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy as part of Multiracial Heritage Month 2021.

Henson Awards Showcase

The talented student recipients of the Jim Henson Fund for Puppetry will perform/present their funded projects.

The School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies hosts an annual competition and recipients are awarded funds to create a puppet project or performance. The Jim Henson Fund for Puppetry was established by Jane Henson '55 to honor the memory of Jim Henson '60, creator of the world famous Muppets. 


Aqua and water walk into a bar by Christina Robson


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