A Multimedia Performance Experience through Music and Spoken Word
Saturday, November 1, 2014 . 8PM
BASETRACK Live photo by Balazs Gardi

Event Attributes

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Program Notes: 

A group of photojournalists documented Marines in Afghanistan by taking photographs and videos using only an iPhone. This material, which enabled military families to communicate with their loved ones, began to tell an important story of ordinary people fundamentally changed by extraordinary circumstances.

The artful power of these images, a live musical score and spoken work text from Marines themselves come together in a riveting multimedia experience that reflect the uncertainties and separation that is a byproduct of war on families and communities.

Presented with generous support from UMD Veteran Student Life.
Funded in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Theater Project, with lead funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Preview by Stars and Sripes

“What I love about ‘Basetrack’ is that it exists at the intersection of art and journalism,” show creator Edward Bilous said…“It’s absolutely a non-partisan piece — not pro-war, against war, red state or blue state,” Bilous said. “Just an authentic look at the experiences these men and women have in the context of war.”

Heath Druzin, Stars and Stripes, October 29, 2014

Promotional video