VOX & Yang: "We Are Here" Charity Concert

Watch Tzu Chi's video about their upcoming events while discovering the many ways that Tzu Chi is helping people across America and globally: With medical outreach, disaster relief, programs for the homeless as well as low-income families, and more.

為募集慈善基金,慈濟美國總會邀請到目前台灣最熱門的純人聲(A Cappella)演唱團體─VOX玩聲樂團,全美巡迴演唱。金韻獎民歌手,也是「秋蟬」原唱者的楊芳儀,也將同台演出。


TDPS Production Manager broadens her successes

This blog post is by Omar Khan, senior communication major.

Photo courtesy of Cary Gillett

For the past 17 years Cary Gillett, Production Manager for the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies and UMD alum, has brought her distinct expertise to the DC area stage and production managing scene. She has worked on a wide range of projects in the area, from being the Resident Stage Manager at the Round House Theatre to “A Salute to the 2015 Presidential Scholars” at the Kennedy Center. Recently, she took her expertise and knowledge into the wider arts world.

“The really exciting part is that this is a completely new endeavor for Eastern theatre. There are no stage management programs in China, but there is a need."


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