Community Art!

Join Art Works Now, The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Urban Arts Leadership Program, and Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance as we collaborate to create a public work of art to be displayed at MilkBoy ArtHouse in College Park! 

All ages are welcome and feel free to drop by anytime between 10 AM and 1 PM.

SPARK! pre-concert event: Pushing the Tempo: Investigating Equity and Inclusion of Race and Gender in NOI+F

Addressing the existence of institutional equity and inclusion is as necessary as it is urgent. The photo exhibit Pushing the Tempo: Investigating Equity and Inclusion of Race and Gender in the National Orchestral Institute + Festival was curated in an effort to promote healthy communication about these issues.

alight dance theater NextLOOK Workshop

Alight values the contributions of community members and seeks opportunities to work directly with the community to create movement art. Through the support of the NextLOOK residency, alight will conduct inter-generational, community-based workshops - specifically for parents/guardians and their children - inspired by the concept of “Faerie,” providing inclusive opportunities for varying populations.


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