New Works Reading with The Spektral Quartet

Hear one of Chicago's most magnetic and forward-thinking chamber ensembles — the Spektral Quartet — read and rehearse new works by UMD composition students.

Founded in 2010, the Spektral Quartet takes an inclusive approach to concert format by shifting the role of audience member from spectator to ally. The group has sought out the discourse between the masterworks of the traditional canon and those written this decade, this year, or this week.

Female Perspectives on the Nile

Women play a vital role in the use, management and supply of resources such as water, food and energy at community and household levels in all the Nile Basin countries. However, they are often overlooked in decision-making and planning processes. What would a Nile Basin look like if its women were fully empowered, and how do their challenges relate to broader regional gender issues?

University Band & Community Band

The University Band and Community Band share an evening of traditional and contemporary wind band music.

Conducted by Director of Bands Emeritus Professor John Wakefield and UMD Assistant Director of Bands Eli R. Osterloh, this concert will be an exciting evening for the whole family! Children and adults who are thinking of starting to play an instrument are sure to be inspired.


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