A Golden Box Creates Trans-Continental Relationships

This blog post is by Karla Casique, a sophomore journalism major.

Photo courtesy of Shared_Studios

A bridge woven by cameras, lights, speakers, hundreds of text messages and e-mails, dozens of tongues lighting the path, images not flickering but incarnating a beating heart that’s a continent or a nation away, just a few feet in front of you.

I was surprised how intimate the set up was, there was no room to be self-conscious since the only thing I saw was a full-body image of Miguel Angel. That way, I was completely focused and invested in him, instead of being consumed with my appearance or demeanor.

Excelsa String Quartet: Haydn, Heiss and Schumann

Excelsa Quartet, the School of Music's Graduate Fellowship Quartet, gives their first concert of the semester with the music of Haydn, Heiss and Schumann.

First Prize winners of "The Provincie Limburg Prijs" and “EMCY Artprize” at the Charles Hennen 26th International Chamber Music Competition for Strings in The Netherlands and Finalists in the 2015 Franz Schubert and Modern Music Competition in Austria, Excelsa Quartet is currently the Graduate Fellowship String Quartet at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.

Murasaki Duo: Duo Virtuoso

Named in homage to Lady Murasaki, the author of the world's first novel, cellist Eric Kutz and pianist Miko Kominami weave their instruments' voices together in a unique and compelling equal partnership. With repertoire highlights from their latest album, Duo Virtuoso, the program features pieces by Martinu and Piazzolla, as well as Richard Strauss' youthful and ebullient Sonata in F Major. 

The Murasaki Duo was formed at the Juilliard School in 1996, and has performed throughout the United States and Canada. In 2005, they toured Scandanavia. 

Spring Big Band Showcase

The UMD jazz ensembles give a lively concert that features jazz standards and premieres of pieces by UMD alumni and current jazz students.

Performance schedule
  • Tuesday, March 8, 2016: UMD Jazz Lab Band and University Jazz Band
  • Wednesday, March 9, 2016: UMD Jazz Ensemble and UMD Alumni Jazz Band

Community discussion on Love with Taurus Broadhurst Dance

Despite countless attempts of definition, love has become a word that is best understood through practice, behavior and experience.

In this conversation, moderator Goldie Patrick discusses withe the audience the human culture of love, how it is practiced in various relationships, how it is experienced in various cultures and how it informs practices in art.

Goldie Patrick is a Detroit native working, living and building artistic collaborations in Washington DC. Goldie is a spirited playwright, poet, performer and teacher of hip-­hop education and culture.

Movement Workshop with Taurus Broadhurst Dance

Taurus Broadhurst and workshop participants will explore the themes of love, self, family and community through movement, music and choreography. Topics from Monday evening's Community Discussion on Love will inform the themes and concepts of the workshop.


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