Barking Dog Arts Project & Beyond

James Undercofler, Artistic Director of the National Orchestral Institute at the University of Maryland and Chair and Professor of Arts Management at the State University of New York at Purchase, will lead an interactive session addressing challenges and opportunities for arts entrepreneurship and education. All welcome. At The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Leah Smith Hall (Room 2200)

Sponsored by the School of Music and the Honors College Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program.

UMD students to explore art of film scoring at Music + Film Event

This blog post is by Emily Schweich, junior broadcast journalism major.

Music and Film

Music and film collide at The Clarice with the School of Music’s first ever Music + Film Event, a celebration of new music and film heritage held February 19 and 20.

Nowadays in music, it’s so hard to get a job, so the more you diversify, the more you’re entrepreneurial, the better you’re going to have a chance at making a living with this.

District5 Wind Quintet: transformed

In this program, District5 performs music that is not only transformative in nature, but also serves to transform the members of District5 into different configurations. The program includes works by Mozart, Villa-Lobos, and Carter.

The quintet will also be joined by special guest Trevor Mowry, co-principal oboe of the "President's Own" United States Marine Band.

Excelsa String Quartet

Thomas Adès' Arcadiana evokes images of idyll and conveys "a here that is gone, or is going." Excelsa contrasts Adès' mystical work with Mozart's String Quartet No. 16 in E-flat Major, which is one of six quartets that the composer dedicated to Haydn.

The program concludes with Steve Reich's Different Trains, which uses recording samples of train sounds and speech to juxtapose the composer's memories of being a Jewish child in 1940s America, with the memories of child-survivors of the Holocaust.


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