Common Tone: Chelsey Green and The Green Project

Billboard charting recording artist Chelsey Green creates a whole new way to bring the unmatched richness and vibrancy of the violin and viola to audiences. Her vision of an ensemble that uses live string performance to enhance current popular music becomes a reality with The Green Project.

Hours of Freedom: The Terezín Composer

New Concert-Drama Preview: Hours of Freedom: The Terezín Composer, a work written and conceived by the Defiant Requiem Foundation’s creator and conductor, Murry Sidlin, will showcase music by fifteen composers imprisoned in the concentration camp of Terezin during WWII.

Hours of Freedom combines video, music and narrative to highlight works by Viktor Ullman, Gideon Klein, Zigmund Schul, Pavel Haas and Rudolf Karel among others and explores the sustenance that music provided in the camp.


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