The Immigrants 3

A leading voice among collegiate ensembles in premiering new works for winds, the 10th anniversary season of the University of Maryland Wind Orchestra (UMWO), led by Dr. Michael Votta, will feature faculty soloists, world-premiere performances and masterworks of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Under the leadership of newly appointed Associate Director of Bands Andrea Brown, the University of Maryland Wind Ensemble (UMWE) serves as a training ground for talented young wind players.


Fearless New Play Festival

TDPS's Fearless New Play Festival is a three-day celebration of new scripts in development. On Sunday, February 17, the festival kicks off with a panel discussion with local theatre professionals. After two weeks of rehearsals, we present: (1) a keynote speech by nationally renowned Keynote Playwright Sheila Callaghan and a staged reading of her newest play in development on Thursday, March 7, (2) staged readings of new ten-minute plays by current students on Friday, March 8, and (3) a showcase of new short plays by alumni, followed by a closing night celebration on Saturday, March 9.

New Music at Maryland Concert

Cultivating the talent of modern classical composers and bringing new music to the stage inspires musicians and audience members alike. This evening of original compositions by UMD student composers features solo, chamber and electroacoustic performances.

Testimony: UMD Repertoire Orchestra

UMRO explores the depths of music as a form of activism, resistance, and healing in this engaging program featuring guest conductors across UMD's graduate conducting programs.

Beethoven's Overture to Fidelio, Op. 72
Sibelius' Karelia Overture, Op. 10
Shostakovich's Symphony for Strings, Op. 110
Mahler's Symphony No. 3

Spring Big Band Showcase

This toe-tapping concert really swings! You won't want to miss the UMD Jazz Ensemble, the UMD Jazz Lab Band and the University Jazz Band in innovative interpretations of classic and contemporary jazz works.

Faculty Artist Series: Lee Hinkle, percussion - The Xylophone Poems as Solo Opera

Stuart Saunders Smith's work "The Xylophone Poems for Xylophonist, Actor, Singer" is a concert-length work for single solo performer on xylophone who speaks, sings and acts all while playing the xylophone. Originally composed in 1999, Dr. Smith expanded the work into an concert-length work in 2017 for faculty percussionist Dr. Lee Hinkle. The performance in 2019 would constitute the world-premiere performance of this work especially written for Dr. Hinkle. The Xylophone Poems are an opera for xylophone in twenty-one scenes.

Kurt Weill Festival

The UMD Wind Ensemble, UMD Wind Orchestra and UMD Men’s Chorus share the stage for an exciting performance of Weill works written in Berlin during the Weimar Era.


Das Berliner Requiem
Mike Hogue, tenor
Collin Power, baritone
Aaron Peisner, conductor

Vom Tod im Wald
Kevin Short, bass-baritone
Edward Maclary, conductor

Concerto for Violin and Wind Orchestra, Op. 12
Irina Muresanu, violin
Edward Maclary, conductor

Ravi Coltrane Quartet

Ravi Coltrane is more than the scion of spiritual jazz’s first family. The son of saxophone bellwether John Coltrane and fusion paragon Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda, Ravi was not yet two when his father died. Still, in the subsequent five decades, he has inherited and cherished the call to push jazz ahead, honoring and preserving its past while ever aiming for its next step. In the early 1990s, he began playing with a murders’ row of genre titans, like his father’s longtime drummer Elvin Jones, and restless minds, like progressive jazz force Steve Coleman.

Hamlet Replayed

Hamlet is knee-deep in a personal and political quagmire. His father, the king, has been murdered by his uncle Claudius, who has hastily married his sister-in-law to assume the throne. Seeking to avenge his father’s murder, Hamlet sets off a chain of events resulting in death, destruction and a notable absence of justice.


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