Why do the arts matter to you? July 21, 2013
What single place or moment was most inspiring to you, artistically, and why? July 19, 2013
Why did you choose to study at the University of Maryland? July 7, 2013
How/when did you know you wanted to be an artist? July 5, 2013
What do you like about performing at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center? July 3, 2013
Why do the arts matter to you? June 28, 2013
Why do the arts matter to you? June 26, 2013
Reminder: Parking for NOI Open Rehearsals
If you are planning on attending any of National Orchestral Institute's free Open Rehearsals, please note that only paid parking options are available to visitors during the daytime:
Crafting Inspiration: Why Speeches of Abraham Lincoln & Martin Luther King, Jr. Still Motivate Us Today
An address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and a speech on the National Mall in Washington, DC both mark important eras in our history. Why did the words from these speeches make such a dramatic impact on the historical memory of the United States?
Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches are separated by almost 100 years, yet they share a compelling similarity: both speeches make the seemingly impossible appear not only possible but desirable.