Why do the arts matter to you? April 17, 2014
If you could ask one person from the event one question, who and what would it be? April 16, 2014
How/when did you know you wanted to be an artist? April 16, 2014
How would you describe this performance to someone who wasn't here? April 16, 2014
SOM and TDPS Faculty Members Awarded Maryland State Arts Council Grants
Robert DiLutis and Linda Mabbs from the School of Music and Sharon Mansur of the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies were recently selected by the Maryland State Arts Council to be recipients of a 2014 Individual Artist Award (IIA).
Three UMD Performing Arts Faculty Honored with Maryland State Arts Council Grants
CONTACT: Missy McTamney
College Park. MD -– Three distinguished University of Maryland faculty are the recipients of a 2014 Individual Artist Award (IIA) from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC). Linda Mabbs (voice) and Robert DiLutis (clarinet) from the School of Music, and Sharon Mansur (dance) of the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies were selected by MSAC for creating works of exceptional quality in a variety of artistic disciplines. The grants range in value from $1,000 to $3,000.