UMD Chamber Singers Welcome Home Concert

The highly acclaimed UMD Chamber Singers celebrate their return from Seoul, South Korea, where they were one of only 20 choirs from around the world chosen to perform at the 10th World Symposium on Choral Music.

The program includes works by Britten, Bruckner, Purcell and Poulenc, plus traditional American spirituals.

Igudesman and Joo

Describing the Igudesman & Joo humor in detail would be to deflate its brilliance. For the put-upon Igudesman, think Jack Benny and Jascha Heifetz rolled into one. For the zany Joo, try an unholy Chico Marx, Vladimir Horowitz and Jerry Lewis mash-up…

— Los Angeles Times


A festival within a festival. Delta Chi Xi, UMD’s Honorary Dance Fraternity, presents a selection of student arts groups.

A 100 percent student-curated and student-performed arts experience, this Late-night ARTS EXPLOSION will feature Kreativity Diversity Troupe's interactive movement theatre workshop followed by a house dance fundamentals workshop taught by Jonathan Hsu.

From performance games to voice and movement-based exercises, be prepared to laugh, sing, dance, yell and kreate with Kreativity!


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