MFA Dance student Colette Krogol to attend a2ru's Emerging Creatives Student Summit

This blog post is by Emily Schweich, junior broadcast journalism major.

Colette Krogol

Colette Krogol photo by Matthew Reeves

First-year MFA Dance student Colette Krogol will represent the University of Maryland’s School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies at the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) 2015 Emerging Creatives Student Summit at Virginia Commonwealth University from January 28 to January 31. This year’s summit, titled PULSE: Creative Collaborations for Cities in Flux, brings together students from a variety of disciplines to tackle issues facing developing cities.

Das Lied von der Erde: Graduate Fellowship Chamber Ensembles

Graduate fellowship chamber ensembles District5 Wind Quintet and Excelsa Quartet are joined by Maryland Opera Studio alumni, mezzo-soprano Michelle Rice and tenor Patrick Cook, in Schoenberg's intimate arrangement of Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde.


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