Emma Weisbaum: TURNED ON (Read Receipts)

Emma Weisbaum's TURNED ON (Read Receipts) is a black light installation that shows a woman's perspective on the dating and hookup scene in today's technological age. The acrylic paintings feature references to viral vines, memes and tweets representing our collective relationship with social media and its inherent influence on larger society. Artist  Emma Weisbaum is an honors studio art student at the University of Maryland. She studies graphic design, acrylic painting and animation.

Johanna Toruño: The Unapologetic Street Series

An art installation of work by Salvadoran-born, New York-based visual artist Johanna Toruño. Raised in San Salvador until being displaced to the U.S. at the age of 10, Toruño was inspired and taught by her experiences growing up in the midst of El Salvador's civil war to use poster artwork in public spaces as a powerful medium for self-expression and provocation.

Pop Up Zine/Chapbook Library


Selected chapbooks from the Jiménez Porter Writers’ House and zines from the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library’s Special Collections in Performing Arts will be on display. Take a moment to read others' stories, and maybe even perform someone else's words using the Visual Poetry Synthesizer!

Dates & Times:

  • Fri, Sep 13: 8PM - 11PM
  • Sat, Sep14: 8PM - 9PM

This event is part of NextNOW Fest 2019


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