September 13-14, 2019 . 6PM

Event Attributes

Presented By

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At the crossroads of art, science and technology, ARTECHOUSE presents true 21st century art experiences as the first innovative platform for experiential multimedia art exhibitions. Conceived and produced by ARTECHOUSE with the assistance of digital media artist Simon Alexander-Adams, Lucid Dreaming immerses the attendees of the festival in vibrant projections of fluid, ethereal motion that echo the movement of their bodies. The interactive motion systems seamlessly capture the movement of the viewer’s hand, allowing them to direct the flow of projected imagery. Colorful ribbons bend and snap, molten lava flows together or breaks apart, and Voronoi particles can be sliced or respond as a network of vibration, all at the control of the viewer. The final result of the artwork is a ten-second video portrait of the viewer submerged in their own Lucid Desert Dream.

Exhibition Schedule:

  • Fri, Sep 13: 6 - 11PM
  • Sat, Sep 14, 2019: 6 - 8:30PM