
By William Shakespeare

January 30 & 31, 2015
Principal People: 

Co-directors Riley Bartlebaugh and Sean Patrick Forsythe

In this daring adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic, an ensemble of four actors will transform The Clarice into the deadly corridors of Dunsinane Castle.

Directed by School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies artists Riley Bartlebaugh and Sean Patrick Forsythe, this promenade performance will pull the audience from the comfort of their seats and ensnare them in the meteoric rise and tragic fall of a dynasty that was never meant to be. 

A TDPS Second Season Production

Preview by The Diamondback

Their Macbeth is a showcase of the creative energy and untapped talent of the undergraduate students who produced it. This roving production allows audience members to physically experience the play’s shifting settings.

DANIELLE OHL, The Diamondback, January 28, 2015