Opera Resonates: Street Scene

Opera Resonates: Street Scene

Sunday, April 14, 2019 . 1:30PM

Event Attributes

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Estimated Length: 
This event will last approximately 1 hour.

During the University’s Year of Immigration, we explore the possibilities open to those who wish to live the American Dream. Come join us for a lively discussion with Maestro Craig Kier, Stage Director Amanda Consol, and Weill Scholar Naomi Graber. 

Based on a play written in the 1920’s, Weill’s “American Opera” reflects the realities of that time, with newly created laws that limited immigration to the United States. With similar laws being created today, we ask these questions - Who is allowed to dream? How are dreams affected by nationality, gender, race, and socio-economic or immigration status? What does it mean to write laws and exercise power over someone else’s dream?

Joining the conversation will be Gabriel Mata, a Mexican-American choreographer and dancer who explores identity politics and immigration, and Laura Bohórquez Garcia who currently works with and for undocumented students at the University of Maryland.

This event is part of the Kurt Weill Festival funded in part by the Kurt Weill Foundation for Music, Inc., New York NY.



This event is part of the Year of Immigration, which aims to transform dialogue into impact on urgent issues related to immigration, global migration and refugees, and to foster open conversation and greater connection with the University of Maryland’s large and diverse international community. For more information visit yearofimmigration.umd.edu.