K-12 School Partner Program: The Nile Project
K-12 School Partner Program
The Nile Project
Event Attributes
Presented By
Founded in 2011 by Egyptian ethnomusicologist Mina Girgis and Ethiopian-American singer Meklit Hadero, The Nile Project is founded on the belief that music has the power to change perceptions and inspire action.
The Nile Project utilizes musical collaborations as vehicles to increase cultural and environmental awareness among the 11 countries and peoples of the Nile River Basin (Egypt, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Eritrea), and to showcase those collaborations in performance across the United States.
This School Matinee performance is a demonstration and discussion with some of the musicians from the ensemble and will include a Q&A for students.
Sponsored by The Gazette & Gazette-Star.
The K-12 School Partner Program provides school groups with a unique package of opportunities and resources designed to engage, educate and entertain. The K-12 School Partner Program is sponsored by a generous gift from the Anne and Ronald Abramson Family Foundation.
And also funded in part by a generous gift from †James and Sally Bersbach.