Pacific Music Institute

The National Orchestral Institute + Festival (NOI+F) and Hawaii Youth Symphony (HYS) partnered in 2019 to create the Orchestral Learning Alliance (OLA) at the Pacific Music Institute. This robust collaboration brings NOI+F students, faculty and alumni to Honolulu to serve as teachers and mentors to Hawaii's young orchestral musicians. Eight NOI+F students, five faculty members and five alumni participated in OLA's inaugural year.


“For over 30 years, Hawaii Youth Symphony’s Pacific Music Institute has been a training ground for Hawaii’s most serious, young musicians,” says Randy Wong, President of Hawaii Youth Symphony and NOI+F alumnus (2003). “The acronym OLA is also the Hawaiian word for “life” and for members of HYS and NOI+F, music is life as we all share a common bond that helps bring people together.”

Hawaii Youth Symphony's Pacific Music Institute is an intensive summer program designed for novice to advanced students to hone their musical skills. Through OLA, students have the opportunity to work with renowned guest artist faculty, many drawn from the NOI+F network of faculty and alumni.

Many of these renowned musicians also have significant teaching presences in major universities and schools of music. “As musicians, we recognize the significance of collaboration and the positive impact that good mentorship has on those we have the privilege to reach,” says Richard Scerbo, director of NOI+F. “On behalf of our extended network, the National Orchestral Institute + Festival is delighted to support more young musicians and their appreciation for the arts.”